Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Muovo Le Ali di Nuovo

Hi Danda, it´s late at night and I´ve just come back from an amazing Tiromancino concert...as an Italian group they´re so little known in Madrid that David and I were in the very first row and got to live the most amazing concert!  The title of one of their songs is the title of this post because as I listened to it, I thought of you.  The lead singer of Tiromancino mentioned how the song had become his "mantra" during hard times.  He composed it when he was not yet famous and struggling with a low period of his life, where he couldn´t see the light.  To him, this song still represents the confirmation that there is always hope if we can persevere and be faithful to our true nature: 

Muovo le ali di nuovo 
verso un posto nuovo 
muovo le ali di nuovo 
perchè cerco un posto nuovo 
muovo le ali di nuovo 
verso un posto nuovo diverso

I´m sure that you´re receiving more than thousands of wishes, way beyond what you see on this blog!  Imagine if we each had to write a word each time we dedicated a positive, loving and hopeful thought for you...we´d be scrolling the blog to infinity!!!  Tomorrow (or, rather, today....I couldn´t go to bed before sending you a written thought!) is a BIG day, but maybe not so big as we all want to make it.  Your wise sister has hit the nail on the spot: don´t put too much pressure on one day.  This is a journey, a long journey testing your patience, determination and faith to its limits, but it´s a JOURNEY.  I chose these photos because to me they symbolize the essence of "being with it". Whatever comes let it be....look at it from the shore, observe it from afar.  Then, when you´ve found your centre, your breath, your essence...get up and continue the fight whatever shape or form it may take.  You deserve that time onshore, in silence, motionless, listening to the stir or peace inside you, giving your emotions the space they need.  Danda. all this is so easy to say but so hard to implement, but if you can...do it for yourself.  Accept it all, the good and the bad and that will help you set sail again as I´m sure you will!  We are all blowing as hard as possible to make sure the wind blows in your favour!!!!!

All my thoughts and prayers are with you, and much love from Mum Linda:)  Coraggio bella!  Sally

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