Monday, May 18, 2009

One more hurdle

Hello Alex,

I know it is the 18th and you have been on my mind all day. The hurdles you have already managed and the unexpected turns along the way (let's see the punctured lung resulting in an extended ICU stay, eye infection leading to a temporary eye patch) have been faced with such grace and determination - I am always left awe struck and inspired. I know that today is an important mark along this journey and will determine in part the next steps on this marathon.

I am adding to the 1000 wishes that you will have a day filled with clapping to the tune of "If you are happy and you know it". It is amazing how many times a little one can listen to that and respond with such excitement. It is even more amazing that an adult can repeat is so many times and be filled with such happiness. Enjoy your mornings. You are in my thoughts...
Lisa S

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