Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Mosaic

Danda carissima,  I'm in Ravenna for a wedding and heard the bad news from Mum yesterday.  I've now been able to check your blog and I couldn't go to sleep before sending you a short word and sooooo many loving thoughts!  I too wish I had the power to make all the pain, suffering and weakness go away but I feel as helpless as all those who love and care for you.  On the other hand, I firmly believe in the capacity we all have to send you our most positive and healing energies...they can ride the waves of our purest intentions and reach you instantly, seeping into your weakened cells to inject them with life and energy to continue the fight.  Today, David and I visited the breathtaking Basilica di San Vitale here in Ravenna.  It is known for its masterpiece mosaics, perfectly preserved in all their complexity, apparent infinity, and brightness of colours.  As I looked at those marvelous ceilings I thought of all the work that went into piecing such an amazing work of art together.  I told David: "I'm sure I'd had learned patience had I had to work on creating this mosaic!" (Yes, I shamefully admit that my Italian impatience still has a hold of me! :) )  Every piece was so little, on its own insignificant, and yet there it was all before me...a myriad of these little bright stones stuck one next to the other and creating the most striking of masterpieces.  You also are building the mosaic of your Health...unfortunately, the process is painstakingly slow, difficult, draining and "doloroso".  But never forget the Big Picture, the beautiful Work of Art, the stunning Mosaic you're working towards...piece by little piece, baby step by baby step.  Keep at it, with whatever strength you have at that moment.  Somedays you may only add a few pieces to the mosaic of your Health, others hundreds...just keep at it!  We love you Danda!  

Arriba los corazones!

Auguri e baci,


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