Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Focus on the positive.

Dear Alex
Giovanna has nailed it.  She wrote so perfectly how I feel.  You can beat this.  You will beat this. Breathe and focus on the positive.

How are your lungs?  CLEAR!!
How is that breast tumour, the source of the problem?  CONTINUES to SHRINK... Excellent, just absolutely fabulous.  It continues to shrink its way into NON-EXISTENCE.
Oh, but what about the spine, there was that spot on the spine?  GONE, BLASTED AWAY, GONE.  It is no more a focus of clinical attention.  How amazing is that? No more spot on the spine!

You and your chemo, and your focus on the positive and your healing visualisations, and your troops and our prayers and your family and your beautiful boy and all the infinite love we have for you has chiselled away at the cancer in those areas.  That is undeniable progress.

OK, next you will turn your attention to those pesky liver spots and the other areas in need of focus.  You can do it.  You are already doing it.  You have already made significant progress.  The lungs are clear.  Clear.  Clear.  The spine is clear.  Clear.  Clear.  Your body has started to learn how to do this.  You are fighting. You are winning. The tide is turning.  You can do this.  Breathe.  Focus on the positive. We will love, support and carry you through in any way we can.  Your family and the lovely James will work their magic.  The treatment will work.  Dr Plowman will get you into remission.  This is working.  It's just a b--ch of a steep climb.

Breathe.  Focus on the positive.  Breathe.  

With so much love.

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