Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Against the odds, you are winning!


Mom called as soon as she heard from Vicki and I breathed a huge sigh of relief, but it wasn't until I read your post, that it struck me-I needed to hear it from you. I needed to know that you too are breathing a sigh of relief. YOU DESERVE IT! YOU DID THIS! I know it takes an army, but YOU are fighting this and living with this disease and telling it to go away. You should be so proud of how far you have come. You are a fighter who will not stop until you win!

Based on your calendar of chemo treatements-the pills, the iv's, you name it-- I know there is still a long road ahead. It will probably get worse for you before you get better so you must remember this feeling!!! Visualize today and walking into Dr. Plowman's office to hear the good news. Bouncing James on your lap. This spirit will come to you again, but first you have more fighting to do. I will probably bring you back to today's post down the road to remind you that despite all the bad, good will come again! I love you and think you are absolutely amazing and stong and special and the list goes on and on!!!!

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