Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Floating on a cloud

Hi Panda,
Thank you for the long post. I often check the blog just to see if there is any news from the front line. I like reading from your own words how you're doing and I appreciate you taking the time and using your freshly recovered energy to write us. This time I felt like I was really being there with you, with all the details you gave about your diet and the long description of the last few days. You're really eating healthy, but giving up cheese must be tough :) Very nice the dessert that Chiara and Anthony prepared, in particular the candles spelling "thirty-ish"! And the photo of James with his hands in his lap that you posted this time is the most beautiful of all. He's so cute!

I'll think of you tomorrow, like I always do when you have your round. The good thing about this one is that there are only two--max 3--of these left. You're definitely past the midpoint, you've covered most of the way, you're almost at the end of this unpleasant phase. Then the new cycles of chemo will be less intense and give you less pain and discomfort altogether. Better days are coming, and the rollercoaster rides will be smoother. Not being hit in the body with so much poison all at once will leave you more energy throughout each cycle and will make it easier to fight off negative thoughts and fears. For this round I wish you a rollercoaster ride without turns, bumps, or slopes, and with big suspensions in the car! Like floating on a cloud :)

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