Monday, March 9, 2009

Las Hoces del Duraton

Dearest Alessandra, this blast from your past is also the first blog of my life! I finally had to admit there are still things worth learning, unlike most of my students. This blogging stuff was just silliness until I read these posts, full of everyday news, feelings, and reaching out to connect so many people that know and love you. So of course, I couldn't NOT join this collection of dots, as one way to link arms, and walk along with you for as long as you want. The last time we walked together, I was not much older than you are now - a stunning thought!

Now, I'm a little bit like this owl, ruffled, still full of questions, and at times seeing life from a different perspective. Remember, no matter how upside down the view may seem, your feet are on solid ground, and your spirit is strong. May the sun warm your heart, and be sure that I am holding you in the light every minute of every day. All my love to you.

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