Sunday, March 22, 2009

Somwhere over the rainbow!

Yes, that is right! Somewhere over the rainbow! That is where my latest post resides. It was a good one I thought. Filled with motivational words, a Rosie the Riveter-like mantra underscoring how wonderful women are on this Mother's Day in the UK. And then in the push of a button a fatal error wiped the words, great idea that I was posing to Lindsey and my recently uploaded photograph and sent it...somewhere over the rainbow.

A deep breath and practice in patience allowed me to try and send nother message without swearing or throwing the computer out the window. Danda, I feel the frsutration you must be experiencing and now I will go to that "happy place" for a while before settling in to try and retype my message. See you shortly. I love you!!


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