Sunday, March 22, 2009

From the Trenches

Dear All,

A quick note, as I struggle to sit up for more than a few moments without feeling poorly. I am in bed, and at my most comfortable curled up in a little ball on my side, buried under the covers, envisioning feeling "whole" again post this mini-hibernation. Everything aches, and I once more feel as if the plug has been pulled... as if I have a really thick and heavy coat on that is weighting me down, that is preventing me from moving freely, and that is making me want to crawl out from under it and be free of my skin. My apetite is shot, but I have managed a few basics to keep the engine running, and I do my best to sip iced water and the occasional juice to keep hydrated. My mother and sister are out with James for a walk on this sunny day - it is Mother's day here, and my "girls" have taken on the mothering role for me today with so much love. James talks and talks and talks - I am keen to make recordings of his voice, my favourite sound in the world. His second tooth has made an appearance! OK, my time is up - I must go put my head down again and tune into the visualisations and music that fuel my vibrant images of recovery and hope. I may be curled up in an unhappy ball, but there is hidden momentum in my form and my goal is always in sight, even in these darkest of days. Love to you all.

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