Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Girl Power Galore... and Some Juice....

Dear All,

I am about to get into bed, and decided to check the blog before calling it a day.... and saw your posting Alexis and had to laugh out loud! At no point did I think you were diminishing the men in the group or the non-writers... heck, I am all for celebrating girl power at its best, and all your postings and those of the other women are a testament to how absolutely wonderful this can be! I love it with all my heart. I just thought I'd say a "hello" and call out to all the men out there who I know are in this with us, and to all the non-posters who similarly share in this space. :-) Good night to you all!

P.S. This afternoon, James saw my glass of bright purple home-made juice (broccoli, carrots, apple and beetroot) and went ballistic for a taste - literally gasping, sticking out his tongue, straining to reach for the glass - so, I gave him one sip, and he wanted more.... so I gave him two... and then one last sip... poor kid has had indigestion all evening long. Farting up a storm and definitely dealing with a tummy ache. But sweetheart that he is, he managed a toothy smile for me in between the tears. Gotta love him.

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