Sunday, March 1, 2009


Cara Alessandra,
I wanted to share with you the photo I keep on my computer desktop at work.
I found it on the internet soon after I moved here, it was taken somewhere on the Dolomites, not far from where I live now. I usually don't keep photos on the desktop, but when I first saw this one I realized how important it was to have it in front of my eyes all the time, especially at work, where stress can sometimes play tricks on you. All I need is to take a look at this picture and... ahhh, I feel immediately relaxed. It is so sharp that I almost feel I am on that lake and I can breathe that clean and cool mountain air. I hope it works the same for you!

P.S. I've just noticed that if you click on the picture, you are going to see it really big, in all its might. I suggest downloading it and opening it up full screen on your laptop. Just to see the effect.

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