Thursday, March 5, 2009

Miracles do happen!

Dearest Danda,

I sit at my desk at work enjoying the last of the leftover sliders from Sunday night. I know what everyone must be thinking right now, it has been four days since you made those burgers and you are still eating what is essentially leftover refrigerated burgers. How good can that be? Well, my friends I have to say it is all about the bun. I think the density of this bun has kept the entire burger intact for the days it has been refrigerator and frankly I think the burger tastes as good as ever. I really think I am on to something!

As for the current state of the fireworks display or red wine that has tattooed our kitchen ceiling, we have made progress. Picture the scene of Jeff and standing on stools lat at night scrubbing our hearts out not sure if we were scrubbing the paint off or the stains, but not really caring as the spots began to fade. However, it was so hard to tell if we had made any progress since every so often the dots seemed to multiply probably from our eyes crossing from being in such close proximity to the ceiling! More scrubbing to come tonight....

Daffodils! Among one of the happiest flowers I can think of. just like the sun with their bright yellow punch of color and just beaming with pride as their bell-shaped flower protrudes from its petals. Really quite and amazing sight. I bought some stems the other day at the market for $4 for a handful and thought to myself what a great deal. Then I got them to my desk and thought again, how are these flowers going to open from what looked like a dormant state in my fluorescent lit, windowless office. I felt quite the fool for having such optimism given my surroundings. After doubtfully placing them in a vase I arrived the next morning to see the outer protective skin on a couple of them breaking open as if something might actually happen. Throughout the day I willed them to open, glancing over at them as typed tirelessly at my keyboard. I swear to you I witnessed these flowers opening. It is not often or ever that one gets to see such a miracle, but there I was in my doldrums office watching nature come to life. Miracles do happen-you just have to believe!

You are my lovin' spoonful of daffodils! I love you Danda!...oh and I also love your doctor, I know he is probably more than double my age, but he is hot! You are in good hands!


Also, Lindsay, apologies for my delay in getting you my psych mix songs-they are varied, but they are all songs that get me rolling down my windows, turning up the radio and singing at the top of my lungs in my car-even in standstill traffic!

Eric Clapton's version of "Knock on Wood"
Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell's version of "Ain't No Mountain High Enough"
Jason Mraz "I'm Yours"
Matt Costa "Sunshine"


  1. Perhaps, a hundred years from now, your "fresco" on the ceiling will be deemed one of the century's great creative expressions of how art and the Napa Valley are interwined!

  2. Or the owners will stick us with a fat bill for repainting the ceiling when we move out. Did I mention they have canned lighting throughout the place I am sure it will be a cheap repaint?!
