Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You are an angel!!


I just read your post and I am amazed by you! You are a force to be reckoned with. I want to write more, but am exhausted myself and am in melt down stage as Jeff calls it. It is the moment that my whole body just hits the point of exhaustion and needs to shut down or the melt down occurs and trust me it is not pretty! So I will write more tomorrow. But for now know that I am with you and so are all of your soldiers pushing ahead.

Oh, and how could I forget, the pajamas!! You received them. That is truly a miracle! I sent them back in December and thought that never made it because I realized in mailing things to you since that I had the wrong address. Heard mom wrong on the phone and put a 2 instead a Q or something like that in the sip code. But I am SO HAPPY that they made it to you. When I first saw James all I could think is what a little angel and then found the pajamas to complete the picture! He is a blessing and is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. The day I get to hold him I might not give him back!

I love you!

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