Friday, March 13, 2009


Danda querida!  ENHORABUENA!!!!  AUGURONI!!!!  E...bravissima!!!!  I had the tears flowing down my cheeks as I read your blog.  Mum had also given me the news passed on by Lucia Alessie (yes, you have a whole group of supporters and followers here in Madrid!...and Geneva-where Lorenza is; NY-where my "birichino" brother is; and even Colombia-where Jan is at the moment!)...but as your cousin said, it makes all the difference to hear it from you!  So thanks for sharing it all, the tears, the fears, the joys...they are all part of the journey and all need to be given the attention (and detachment, as my father would say) they deserve.  

Whilst reading all the beautiful, encouraging posts and your own touching words, I asked myself what I could "give" you that is meaningful, true and from the heart?  My experience with "Sailing to Barcelona" immediately popped up...I have three diaries filled with dreams, enthusiasms, obstacles, disappointments, fears, challenges, tears, inspiring quotes, and beautiful rewards.  To keep it as simple and short as possible (this blog is about you and my story is also for you): "Sailing to Barcelona" was my latest professional project, carried out in 2008.  It consisted of a first-time international event, where boats sailing in from various corners of the Mediterranean and Atlantic met in the name of our seas, oceans and coasts.  Yes, I am an environmentalist at heart and professionally :), and this was the culmination of my passion for both the sea and sailing!    My "dream project" also coincided with Papà´s numerous hospitalizations and, soon after my project´s end, his passing away (having had a beautiful, long life but facing huge physical challenges in the last years, Papà was spiritually ready to leave...but he said he was waiting for me to finish my project and I believe this.  For me it´s proof yet again of the power of Love, Faith and Believing!).

All has been worth it and it´s a journey that has taught me more than a triple masters could ever do!  So I choose to share some parts with you as your own very special journey still have what may seem like a long way to go, and there will be times when exhaustion takes its toll and confidence wanes.  But keep at it Danda!!!  You have made miracles and will continue to do so!  I end with an excerpt from my personal diary (28 Sept. 2008), which to date I have shared with no one, but which I offer to you as a humble gift:

"We walked towards Barcelona´s old harbour, our thoughts and words laden with worries and vain attempts to solve situations beyond our control.   It would have been difficult to imagine the sensations we would have only a few minutes later...As we saw the first of the 23 "Sailing to Barcelona" participating boats moored on the dock, our smiles burst open and our eyes lit up in an instant.  We walked down the dock, trembling with childish happiness for we breathed the certainty that this was the BEGINNING of something BEAUTIFUL!  It was the true beginning of our DREAM, for here it was taking form before our eyes, taking on the shapes of all that we had...BELIEVED in!  Our eyes glistened brighter than any light reflected on the dark port waters.  We were finally HOME!  This was our place.  The hours in front of the computer, the sleepless nights, the upset stomachs and moments of hopelessness...all faded, or better said, became meaningful in their meaninglessness, in the face of the complete contentness we felt.  THIS IS IT!  THIS IS WHAT WE BELIEVED IN!  THIS IS WHAT WE FOUGHT FOR, WHAT WE´VE GIVEN THE BEST OF OURSELVES FOR!! "  I add today that, there was still a steep road to walk and more obstacles to overcome, but it WAS the beginning of something beautiful!  As your wise cousin says (Alexis, A MILLION THANKS for setting up this blog and for your excellent instructions!), don´t forget the feeling you had when Doctor Plowman uttered those magic words and refer back to it whenever you enter a dark tunnel.

Much love e tanti baci,



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