Monday, March 30, 2009

Miracles Do Happen Part II

Well, I guess the family's luck is contagious...This weekend Chris came in first in the IC-24 class in St. Thomas' Rolex Cup Regatta. He pulled this off by a one point win and will once again don the winners' green Rolex watch! His first watch he won was stolen out of his car in the boatyard in Florida. Sometimes things just do work out in the end!

In the same breath, Dad's Villanova basketball team defeated Pittsburg and has moved on to the Final Four. Truly amazing since the game was won on a two point lay up as point guard, Scottie Reynolds, dribbled and fought through a line of defense to put the ball in the net with .5 seconds remaining in the game. It gives one chills to watch such a miraculous win.

Congrats to Dad and Chris on their big wins. And Danda, I think good news always boosts ones' spirits so hopefully all this good fortune will roll on to you next! Keep in mind that things won by a very small margin can have a very big outcome!

I, on the other hand, did not win anything this weekend, but felt accomplished as a rode the triathlon course for the first time this weekend which has put my nerves at ease that I can conquer the bike. There are a couple of hills that are worth putting in some extra hill workouts for in order to face them with confidence on race day, but at least I now know what to expect. I ran today and had an extra zip in my step so my running is getting stronger despite my continuous tired legs. The doing it for Danda training is going well!

I also am so grateful for Spring's official arrival. The roads are bursting with wildflowers and this makes me so happy. Running takes on new meaning when every step you take offers is like a trip down the yellow brick road. The colors reminiscent of gum drops and bubble gum of every color.

Bright smiles coming your way this week Danda!

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. Your enthusiasm for everything is enough to put a zip into anyone's step. Your postings make everyone happy!

    I shall start running in the London parks once I return this week. Your training is putting me to shame. I let you know if the blooms in the English flower beds compare to your roadside explosion of colours.

    When is your triathalon?

    Love, Vicki
