Thursday, March 5, 2009


Hi! It's your Golden Oldie Auntie from ST. Thomas. Real Estate sucks, so I have plenty of time on my hands and what better time spent than on your behalf, lending a little cheer and onward and upward hurrahs. Of course, my version is always a tad old-fashioned and dowdy, but do I care? Nope. So here goes.

My mast as tall as the nearest star
My bow like a whetted knife
I'm off on a trip toward Zanzibar
In search of the rest of my life
My sails are white as a seagull's breast
My hull as strong as a vault
I sail the seas and rarely rest
'tis my one and only fault
My halyards sing in the lively breeze
My rudder is straight and true
I cruise along through the cobalt seas
A pleasure long overdue
I've journeyed the vast Pacific Rim
And now the Atlantic calls
Perhaps I'll stop in a quiet cove
As the twightlight gently falls
To cradle-rock in an islands's lee
My anchor deep in the sand
I'll dream of the wondrous times to come
When out of the sight of land
As morning breaks with a salt-air tang
And the wind whips fresh and new
I hear, far off-shore, the buoy's clang
And I have a rendezvous
With whatever lies ahead of me
Beyond the horizon line
That endless blend of sky and sea
Where all of the stars align
I'll reef my sails if the weather's rough
And my gunwales awash with foam
No matter the course, no matter how tough
His compass shall guide me home
LSC 2009

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