Thursday, March 5, 2009

La Gaviota de la Esperanza

Carissima Alessandra!

I feel honoured to be able to follow, and be part of, your blog.  It´s been so long and yet you´ve been so present in my thoughts and prayers in the past months.  Being able to follow you more closely through this blog is a true gift, as is to see how much love is flowing towards you from all those who love, respect and admire you deeply.  As Helen Keller said, "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.  They must be felt with the heart."  There is so much power in Love, Hope and Spirit and I know you are blessed with plenty of each.  I attach a photo I took in Formentera a few years´s of a sea gull flying out towards a beautiful and breathtaking sea.  I´ve always found incredible solace, strength and peace by the sea so I hope this picture can bring you some fresh sea breeze to keep you going through the low moments.  "The Haven" sounds just like the right place so make sure you take in all the healing it has to give.  And I leave you with my dear Papà´s words, those he repeated to me so often in those moments I didn´t know where to find my inner strength..."CREDITICI, CREDITICI!".  He was so right, there is immense power in BELIEVING!

With much love, Sally   

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