Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Warm Cup of Tea!

Years ago, my dear friend Alessandra gave me a journal to write thoughts on things that make me happy. So started my "happy list". This is a list of dates with things that made me happy in life at that time. One of the things on my list that makes me happy is "tea with Alex". Sitting with my friend, drinking tea and having great conversation with a friend that you can just be yourself with is one of the best things in life (even when your friend drinks stinky smokey tea! LOL). So, on this cloudy gray day in Jacksonville, FL, I am thinking about you Alex and wishing I was with you to have one of these happy moments. With the comfort of tea in mind, I also wanted to share this Irish Blessing that I love so much.

May you always have

Walls for the winds,

A roof for the rain,

A Warm Cup of tea by the fire,

Laughter to cheer you,

Those you love near you,

And all your heart might desire!
All my love, - Mary

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