Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What a Wonderful Troop of Women and Men

Dear All,

Tuesday morning, and the nausea is finally beginning to ebb. I hope to venture out for half an hour, to get some fresh air in my lungs and stretch my legs. I still feel weak and shaky, so little by little I will regain my strength. It is freezing here, however; spring seemed to have arrived last week, only to retreat again, unexplained, behind the veil of wintry temperatures. The daffodils and crocuses and cherry blossoms appear a little out of place, but they are nonetheless holding their own, steadfast in their resolution to make it through the chill... I admire that resolve, and am trying to emulate it as best I can.

Alexis, you mention all the women of the blog, and yes I do adore the "girl power" that emanates in every word of the posts. I do know that there are many other women, family and friends of mine, who are regular readers of the blog, adding to the troops in their less publicly vocal albeit equally strong "voice" of female support in my life. But I thought I'd post a thank you to the men too, many of whom I also know are regular readers of this post, who send me wishes of cheer and encouragement in their own way, who think of me with positivity and conviction of recovery, and whose belief in my being "whole" again I feel without the need for written words. Of course, there are three particular men in my life, as the photos above show (of my father, Julian, and Chiara's boyfriend Anthony), whose support is a huge presence in my every day, and who share the precious role of helping to look after us girls (me, my sister, my mother) and our boy, through the ups and the downs of this journey. Husbands, fathers, boyfriends - hooray for the male contigent in all of this.
Hugs, as always, to every single one of you in my wonderful troop.

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