Tuesday, March 24, 2009

oh, blogger, did I put my foot in my mouth or what?!

Well, if I didn't put my foot in my mouth once in a while I wouldn't be the fiery Sagittarius that I am! Danda, you are quite right about those not on the blog, but fighting alongside you in so many other ways. In no way did I mean to diminish their importance in my "girl power" moment as each one of them in this fight is a nurturer in their own way. Men are certainly the stalwart ones and I did not mean to lessen their impact on your life. I know each one is so important to you and a needed compliment to a woman be it friend, boyfriend, or husband. I LOVE the pictures of all the men and James-what is more attractive than a man and a baby. Too bad single men don't know this trick or they would all be bouncing a baby on their lap! And to those not on the blog, you are invaluable to in Danda's recovery and I thank you for looking out for her in your own unique ways!

I hear Anthony has taken his cooking skills to a new level-nutritionist? I love it, he can consider you his first project and success story that he can say launched his career. Maybe since you are up again you are able to eat a little more to help regain your strength? I am glad you are up again and able to breathe in some fresh air. That shaky feeling must be unsettling, but take it a little bit at a time. The beauty of moving slowly is you get to take in so much more around you that is generally missed as we move at a clip that takes us from place to place in our daily lives.

Lindsay, I will take you up on organizing the music that has already been suggested. Thanks for getting the idea going and compiling the songs. Danda, is your ipod officially up and running?


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