Thursday, March 12, 2009


Go back a month or two in the posts and check out the choo-choo with all the black smoke belching from its stack. Now check out today's choo-choo! You,ve come a long way, baby! FULL STEAM AHEAD! I know you thought you might be shunted off on some lonely siding waiting for you knew not what, but NO, the "fork in the road" has a definite arrow pointing to life, love and the pursuit of happiness. Just keep visualizing the powerful locamotive of chemo turning the black smoke into white. Crank up your engine and roll along at top speed. We will fuel the fire with giggles and prayers - a potent combination.

We're dancin in the streets, luv,

We're reelin' in the dell;

We're stampin' and we stompin'

So the Big C goes to hell!

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