Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Panda pandissima!

Dear Panda,
I am so happy! It's great to read your good news! So great!! It is scary to think of all those chemos coming up, but you'll fight them one by one and you'll keep getting better, which is what matters, even though the pain and the discomfort are obviously something not to look forward to. There is a beautiful light at the end of this tunnel! This is what really matters, this light. And you are strong, and with all the support, professional and from family and friends, you will feel stronger and stronger and stronger. Carissima, celebrate tonight, celebrate for all the reconquered territories in your body. Inch by inch, slowly slowly, you're getting control over the whole Alessandra-land. May our thoughts turn each of the malignant cells into good ones! Un bacio.

Sorry for the rambling, just substitute all that with a hug--that's what I really wanted to say :)

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