Sunday, March 29, 2009


Danda darling,
Reading over your last post brought all sorts of pictures to mind, and all of them were of the "old you". I liked the "old you". You just need some minor adjustments. I love my image of you padding down the stairs at From Away Farm dressed in those gray PJ bottoms, a white T-shirt and, depending on the temperature ,a sweater or vest. You drift through the dining room, enter the kitchen and head for the tea kettle on the stove. Soon you waft out onto the deck, teacup in hand (or in hands) as you encircle the cup with them for added warmth. Do not change that "old you". Just change the tea from black to green.
I next find you at the computer, all day it would seem, except for a pit stop, more tea and perhaps the zing of chocolate. Don't stop writing reports. Write fewer and make them shorter. Edit. Once in a while, head out the door for a walk; just a quick brisk jaunt to clear the cobwebs. Walk further, breathe deeper, check out the leaves and the birdsong and now listen to James' chatter and expressions of wonder and delight. Do not return to the computer after the walk. Read a book. Draw something. Listen to music. Hold Julian's hand.
I don't think the "old you" has really changed. I believe that the "new you" may be the "old you" but just a little older, a little wiser and having come to the realization that we cannot micro-manage and control everything. If it were so, somebody would have stopped the world twirling on its axis and we would all have fallen off into the great abyss. With hugs and more hugs, LSC

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