Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Bob Marley was a man who touched more hearts and united more people, through music, than even he intended. Boats, be they large or small, are my avenue of bringing joy to others and myself at the same time. As you know I recently took on an enormous project of resurrecting this weathered beauty. Jessica and I have inspected, repaired and carefully thought out all fifty-five feet of her. It has cost me more than I can afford and has taken more time than I anticipated; however, it will deliver beyond its worth forever. The original name for this vessel was to follow my proud pattern of being named for a Bob Marley song. Thankfully, he sang and wrote hundreds of titles and finding an appropriate one was always possible. It had to have meaning and be truly a reflection of the vessel. I have had ONE LOVE, RAGAMUFFIN, WAR, STIR IT UP and BRAND NEW SECONDHAND. All were fitting! My new beauty was difficult to name. Jessica and I went through the list and found what we thought was perfect - MELLOW MOOD. It possessed a certain feeling and the song's lyrics created the emotion that we felt, for the most part, fit. As the boat came together our pride in her beauty made us want to display, with pride, her new name. We went to get the name fabricated and we chose the font, but it wasn't quite right. Somehow, it lacked something - just the right feeling. We slept on it for days, and one night I woke Jessica out of a sound sleep and we discussed and agreed upon a new name. It wasn't following the Bob Marley theme, but it didn't seem to matter. The new name possessed beauty, grace and strength in its title. Even the ages were similar. It represented the struggle to survive and beat all the odds, to sail again in the beautiful form it was born as. It's new name is ALESSANDRA. Its name reflects exactly what this this vessel is - a classic beauty. Alessandra, thank you for being the lovely individual you are. You have always possessed deep feelings which have been seen in the many times you have shed tears, be they happy or sad. Jessica and I look forward to having you and your family aboard for a fun sail soon. Persevere and get well! Love Chris and Jessica


  1. I think Chris said it all. Danda, I figure if I want to weep at the beauty of your name splayed so elegantly across the stern of a vessel then you must be sobbing as well. Tears of joy this I time presume! Enjoy it and I see a great reunion in St. Thomas coming our way in the near future! Lots of love! Chris, your yacht is beautiful! Now all we need is Uncle Bull's American flag up the back stay and your bases should be covered for her maiden voyage!


  2. Chris - Your yacht "Alessandra" took my breath away and the tears rolled down my cheeks. Danda, needless to say, was in the same condition. I don't think she believed what she was seeing! To say she was touched would be an understatement! Plans for Christmas in the Caribbean are now well underway as she is anxious to step aboard. I am looking forward to seeing more photos of "Alessandra" from all angles - a real beauty of a boat.
    Wish I could be around to smash a champagne bottle on her side to wish her luck as she sets sail for the high seas. We shall have to open a bottle or two when we are all sitting together on her deck.

    A big hug from me. Vicki
