Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The brave warrior

Dear Panda,
A few days have passed since round 5. I hope that now pains and discomfort are lifting and you're starting to enjoy the nice sunny days ahead. The armour has dents and scratches, you write. Please remember that each scratch and dent that scars your body also hurts the cells that should not be in your body. It's a punch-up. Hang in there. "Easier said than done", you are probably thinking. But you know that, as much as this ordeal is changing you, your old you is still there, strong and obstinate and motivated and will not give in. That, about you, I believe will not change. Your new you will be more tired and bruised, feel older and wiser, but will always be the determined Alessandra I know and admire. Hugs!

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