Friday, March 27, 2009

Rebounding?! That's the name of the game!


You talked about rebounding in your latest post which leads me so nicely into this post. Do you know rebounding is a basketball term?! With your height perhaps you played this in grade school once upon a time, but then again maybe not?!

Yes Danda, there is a Santa Clause and by way of that I will tell you miracles do happen! In a moment that I am sure my father will not soon forget, Villanova, my father's college alma mater, beat Duke in the NCAA Basketball tournament last night. Now, please don't think I can give any stats beyond this except to say that Duke is good...really good. And with the tournament starting with 62 teams the fact that Villanova is still in it as part of what they call the Elite 8 is amazing! Any guy reading this post will be able to identify with how sweet the win must have been for the under dogs! Based on is team's performance last nightI think if Dad typed a few lines on the blog today they would read, "Alessandra, if you play hard, keep your head in the game and believe you can win, then by God you will!" I think he also would have said you have flick your wrist when you shoot the ball will go in the net, but that might be more aimed at my basketball game then yours~!

I am excited for the weekend since the sun is shining and our foggy city by the bay is indulging in the warm weather we rarely get! I love you and will perhaps post a weekend update as I plant my garden and tan my legs--may warm weather shine on you in London as well.


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