Monday, March 23, 2009

The Music

Hey there - I have been absent for a little while from the blog, but not for lack of thoughts and love and general Alex mojo. Happy happy belated birthday, my friend. I wish I could have shared your stack of birthday crepes. Sounds like it was bursting with antioxidants, admiration, and adoration. About the music...I keep fantasizing about the mix I am going to create, and sadly, I haven't gotten off the ground, yet. I'm happy to keep it on my list, or, Alexis, if you are groovin' to get it groovin', you should groove on, girlfriend. Let me know if you start working on it so we don't duplicate our efforts. Sending all my love across the water - Lindsay
ps - It's funny how I start to feel like I know the Connect the Dots bloggers. Imagine the "reunion" celebration we can have when Alex is well!!! How fun would THAT be?!?!?

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